Rules & By-Laws


Itemization of current updates/changes:

March 15, 2023, Matt Pelascini:

a.   Revised terminology of JV, Varsity, and Super Varsity meet names throughout rulebook.
b.   Rearranged layout of rulebook meet info, to follow chronological meet order.
c.   Harmonized race athlete maximums, to eliminate discrepancies (pgs. 20, 35, 37).
d.   Clarified number of warm-ups, and official attempts for field events (pgs. 50, 55, 58).
e.   Harmonized high jump equipment specifications with USATF guidelines (pg. 49).
f.    Added use of electronic devices information to athlete conduct section (pg. 32).
g.   Added term “no rabbits” to running infractions section pertaining to pacing (pg. 40).