LA-84 Clinic @ Moorpark High – 2/21/16

The LA-84 Track Clinic at Moorpark High School has been rescheduled – it will now be held on Sunday Feb. 21st.

The agenda for this clinic will be set at the next co-conference meeting either on Jan 18th or Jan 25th.

This year, VCYTC and SCYTFC are in the process of adding a meet timing & results clinic. We are hoping each club can get at least two volunteers to attend to make this a worthwhile endeavor. This clinic will be presented by veteran timing staff from both conferences and should be a great opportunity for anyone new to to timing or just as a refresher course and to exchange tips with each other.

Any questions suggestions about the timing clinic of LA-84, please direct them to Erin Sap @

Look for an update on LA-84 as well as the timing clinic soon.

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